The humble home
The humble home
Our house is our corner of the world. Our first universe, a real cosmos in every sense of the word. It is body and soul. Through my photographs I want to take you to a journey on the domestic places that shape and hold our dreams and memories. Houses and rooms; nests and corners; objects and details from the daily life at home. No space is too vast or too small to be filled by our thoughts and our reveries. My aim is clear: I want to show that the humblest dwelling has beauty. Experiencing its primitiveness, a primitiveness which belongs to all, rich and poor alike, if they are willing to dream.
In this series, I am deeply affected from the book ”The Poetics of Space” by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, who wrote:
“Maybe it is a good thing for us to keep a few dreams of a house that we shall live in later, always later, so much later, in fact, that we shall not have time to achieve it. For a house that was final, one that stood in symmetrical relation to the house we were born in, would lead to thoughts—serious, sad thoughts—and not to dreams. It is better to live in a state of impermanence than in one of finality”